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Nuasin Next Generation is Expanding to District 12 in the Bronx!

Get to know Nuasin Next Generation through our data

A Letter From Our Executive Director

Malik Russell

Welcome Nuasin Community, 

The purpose of education is to empower, enable, and unleash all of the intellectual capabilities and leadership from our scholars. The talent, ability, and potential in our scholars in the Nuasin community (and communities around this country like our Highbridge Bronx community), has not only gone unrecognized but also stifled and deliberately held at bay.  

What we are doing and will do is empower our scholars to show their talent, to unleash their intellectual ability and to force this city, this country and our world to see us, know us, and acknowledge our identity.  

Our task is not easy and is of ultimate importance. For this task we have assembled a team with supreme talent, unbridled passion, diverse perspectives, and a deep commitment to our mission. As a team we will constantly support, push, respect and love our scholars, ourselves and our community because we know that is what our community needs and deserves.  

Our mission binds us as a community and we place our scholars and excellence at the forefront at all times. Every single one of our scholars has the potential to change the world; the educational environment and intellectual skills that we provide them here at Nuasin Next Generation Charter School must give them that opportunity.

 In Partnership,  

Malik Russell

Malik Russell
Executive Director
  • 96%

    of families rely on their school to prepare their child for college, career, and life after high school.

  • 96%

    of scholars say that their teachers respect their culture or background.

  • 676


  • 7:1

    Scholars/Faculty Ratio

  • K-12


  • 2009

    School Founded

  • 86%

    Acceptance Rate to 4-year College

  • 100%

    4-year Graduation Rate

Explore Nuasin Next Generation

Get in Touch
  • Our School

    Our K-12 program is rooted in the values of academic rigor, self-advocacy, and community.

    Learn More
  • Our Mission

    Our mission was born from our community's enormous potential.

    Explore Our Values
  • Our Staff

    Nuasin Next Generation Charter School teachers are passionate, mission-driven educators.

    Meet Our Team
  • Our Board

    As a public charter school, Nuasin Next Generation is governed by a Board of Trustees.

    Meet Our Board
Why Nuasin

At Nuasin Next Generation Charter School, we educate tomorrow’s leaders.

Learn About Our Approach

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